September 25 Flag Burning Ceremony

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Jerry Brearton submitted the article and two visuals.

On the last Sunday of September of every year, American Legion Post 328 conducts our Flag Retirement Ceremony, at the Veterans Memorial Park, W. High Street, Morrison, IL. Flags that have been deposited into our Flag Drop Box throughout the year are burned, pursuant to United States Flag Code and Resolution 440, of the 19th National Legion Convention.

In the event of inclement weather on Sunday, September 25, 2022, the event will be postponed until Sunday, September 24, 2023. The start time is 12:30 p.m.

DIRECTIONS: If coming from the west, turn left (north) onto Genesee Street (1st stoplight); travel up the hill to Northside School; turn right (west) onto High Street. If coming from the east, turn right (north) onto Cherry Street (stoplight at the intersection of U. S. 30 and IL-78); travel up the hill to Grove Hill Cemetery, turn left (west) onto High Street

Our ceremony is very impressive and fitting, for United States Flags that have performed their duty but are no longer serviceable. In 2021, we burned 307 flags. Flags also are accepted on the day of the ceremony, as long as we receive them in time to not disrupt the event. Everyone is invited to attend this short, but impressive, ceremony. Lawn chairs are encouraged.

Be our guest at the Ice Cream Social at the Post, 306 E. Main Street, Morrison, following the ceremony.