NPR Showed Us the Best Way to Interview a Totalitarian Liar

Dick Polman, a veteran National Political Columnist based in Philadelphia, PA, and a Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania, writes at Email him at Journalists have been debating how to most effectively cover a defeated ex-President, who lies as he breathes and aspires to restore his

Letlow Isn’t Able to Come to His Senses

Dick Polman is a veteran National political columnist and Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania.  Email him at Nobody deserves to die in a pandemic.  But even now–after so much suffering, with so much more to come–millions of Americans still don’t seem to understand, that brainless stupidity

President Trump in 2017: A Pop Quiz

Editor’s note:  This essay was written by Dick Polman. He is the National political columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia , PA, ( and a “Writer in Residence” at the University of Pennsylvania. Email him at In honor of Donald Trump’s most towering achievement–no previous President can touch his talent

Remember When Matt Lauer Was Trump’s Chump?

This article was written by Dick Polman. Polman is the National Political Columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia,, and a “Writer in Residence” at the University of Pennsylvania. Email him at Matt Lauer will be remembered as a fallen sexual harasser, but in my mind, he’s forever immortalized as

Yet Another Impeachable Offense

This essay was written by Dick Polman. Forgive my frequent references to Richard Nixon. It’s just eerie how his impeachable behavior is being replicated by the current con man. As Yogi Berra reputedly said, “It’s like de©jevu all over again.” For instance: When Nixon decided to thwart the FBI’s probe

Should Democrats Do a Deal for the Dreamers?

This essay was written by Dick Pohlman.  Contact him at Let’s stick with the story about the Dreamers–the 800,000 young immigrants Trump wants to kick out of the Country– because, we need to talk about the Democrats.  You may remember the Democrats . They’re the people who need a

Big Government is Bad Until Red States Need Help

This essay was written by Dick Polman. It’s an old story, freshened anew by Hurricane Harvey. Republicans profess to hate “Big Guvmint” as a matter of principle–until catastrophe hits a red state. Suddenly, they’re fine with Federal spending and completely dump their rhetorical boilerplate about the nanny state. And hey,

Will the Men in the White Coats Drag Trump Away?

Editor’s note:  Dick Polman is the National political columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia and a “Writer in Residence” at the University of Pennsylvania. Check out the 25th Constitutional Amendment. A Vice President, working with a “majority of either the principle officers of the executive departments, or of such body as