Letter from the Editor to the City Council

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A month ago, on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, the City Council of Morrison, IL, approved the Consent Agenda of various items.  One of those was to authorize Trick-or-Treating hours one day before Halloween.  It was not a decision all citizens understood or supported.  It turned out to be a prophetic decision, about which no one could grumble.

Saturday, October 30, was a warm, sunny afternoon.  Winds were gentle.  Winter jackets or rain wear were unnecessary this year.  There was no need to cover the children’s costumes.

Today, at 2:00 p.m., on Sunday, October 31, it is sunny.  However, the temperature is one-degree-below the high for the day.  It is 53° but feels like 49° according to the weather app.  Wind speeds of 12 MPH are to blame.  Tonight’s low is expected to be 30° which is below freezing!

Over several decades, the Editor received only one trick-or-treater, apart from her two grandchildren, starting in about 2012.  On October 30, eight other youngsters came to her door.

Therefore, thecity1.com Editor publicly praises the City Council for its predictive decision.  This allowed for a thoroughly enjoyable Trick-of-Treat experience for citizens, young and not.