Democracy Doesn’t Work Well, Unless It Is Democratic

Dr. Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D. wrote this essay. I have long believed voting in our elections is a sacred duty.  I am a Korean Conflict Veteran and was unable to vote until I was 21 years of age.  In the midst of the Vietnam War we constantly would hear

Abortion:  Confession of a Pro-Life Turncoat

This essay was written by Dr. Arthur C. Donart, Ph. I grew up in a pre-Vatican II Catholic Church.  I studied for the Priesthood in a Franciscan minor seminary for two years.  There, one learns not to question authority, or Church teaching for that matter.  We memorized the Baltimore Catechism

ISIL, the Taliban, and the Ten Commandments

Arthur C. Donart, PhD wrote this essay. A Sunday, May 9, 2021, Washington Post article by Susannah George and Sharif Hassan elucidates the tragedy of a horrible bombing of a Hazara girls’ school.  This attack killed at least 50 girls and wounded 100 others.  These Islamic extremist view educating women

Some Suggestions to Improve Policing

Arthur C. Donart, Ph.D., wrote this essay. Unfortunately, Police violence has been in the news constantly, as has violence by shooters, rioters, and others.  There is a saying, that “violence begets violence.”  We are still in the Easter season, and Christians are supposed to be celebrating that Jesus overcame violence. 

Alleluia! Christ Rose and Walked Forth! So Should We.

Deacon Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.; SFO wrote this message. Easter is the highest Holy Day in Christianity.  In preparation for the Easter celebration, there are 40 days of Lent, which is a special time for fasting and penance.  In this year, 2021, the Christian Holy Week coincides with the

WWJD? Heal Everyone!

This essay was written by Deacon Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.; SFO I worked at the East Moline State Hospital while attending St. Ambrose College, from 1958 through 1962, as a Psychiatric Tech, II.  Ordained June 2, 1984, I served in the Hospital Chaplaincy Corps for 27 years.  As a

Love Bridges the Political Divide

This editorial was written by Arthur C. Donart, Ph.D. Dear Aunt Rita, In your last letter, you said that you had worked hard to get [President Donald] Trump re-elected, because he was clearing out the corruption in Washington, D.C.  I didn’t know whether I should laugh or cry. I’ve known

Mendacity and the Echo Chamber: Lies Kill

Dr. Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D. submitted this essay. We have seen the shocking results of having a President continually lie to us and anyone else who would listen.  Additionally, there is a whole group who call themselves journalists, newscasters, news analysts, talk radio show hosts, and commentators who constitute

For-Profit Health Care Is a Tragedy

The essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D. Stop and think about it.  Would “for-profit” Fire Protection Districts be workable?  Probably not.  If they were, you would see private equity firms buying up Fire Departments.  That’s not happening.  A Fire Department has to [exist and] be ready in

Power is a Tool President Biden Needs to Use

This editorial was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph.D. “For Christmas, let’s get Dad a new power saw.”  This may be an excellent suggestion, especially if he has some building projects.  However, if poor, old dad hasn’t any tasks for which he really needs an electric power saw, he will

Medicare for All is Too Expensive! Or Is It?

This essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.  It is fourth in a series. Political opponents of Medicare for All (M4A) will tell you that it is a nice concept, but unachievable, because it would be too expensive and explode the Nation’s debt.  South Africa is a far

How Medicare for All Can Increase Your Pay

This essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.  It is third in a series. In a competitive market for goods and services, one has to be careful about increasing prices, because a slight increase may cost them customers.  Especially when money is tight, you pay attention and try

Employer Based Health Care vs Medicare for All

This essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.  It is second in a series. Originally I was all for my employer picking up some, if not all, of the cost of my health care insurance.  It made sense.  If my employer gave me a $1 an hour raise,

Beating the Strawman: If I Only Had a Brain

The essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.  It is first in a series. “The Wizard of Oz” is a classic, and so is the strawman, Scarecrow.  Politicians also love using a “Strawman.”  Building a strawman means simply creating an imaginary foil, ie., bad action; attributing it to

U. S. Foreign Policy Principle Number One: Hypocrisy

A hypocrite is a person who puts on an appearance of virtue while acting in a way that contradicts one’s stated beliefs.  Our Federal Government’s foreign policy is a good example of hypocrisy.  As a Nation, we profess a belief in democracy, human rights, and “the rule of law.”  In