1550 Stuffed Easter Eggs!

Spring has just arrived, but one community event has been in the planning stage for months:  the Annual Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30, 2013.  Spearheaded for “about ten years” by Kiwani Ken Huizenga, the preparing of colorful plastic eggs is a monumental task.  On Saturday, March 23,

Ribbon Cutting at First Wealth Financial Group

New business owner Joseph Mills gathered his family and fellow financial services professionals to attend a Morrison Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting ceremony on Friday, March 22, 2013.  His attractive office space, located at 219 E. Main Street, Suite A, Morrison, IL, is the location of First Wealth Financial Group,

Brownies’ Wild Goal for Cookie Sales

The Lincoln Highway became a Brownie Girl Scout marketing location for Troop 1372, as evidenced by BayLeigh, left, and Jerrica, who did their sidewalk sign shuffle to attract cookie customers.  The girls set up a table in the Frontier Communications parking lot at 124 E. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL, on Saturday

KJ’s Hosts Dirt Road Rockers March 23

KJ’s Bar & Grill, 115 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL, hosts the Dirt Road Rockers from 9:30 p.m., Saturday, March 23, to 1:30 a.m., Sunday, March 24, 2013.  The local band plays rock and country rock music.

Candidates Address City Issues

The Morrison Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors hosted a well-organized and well-received Meet the Candidates event on Thursday, March 21, 2013, before an audience of over 100 interested citizens.  The forum took place from 6:00 to nearly 8:00 p.m. in the Odell Public Library Community Room, 307 S. Madison

Letter from Candidate Vernon Tervelt

As a family man and a resident of the City of Morrison for over 60 years, I care about what happens to our City and the people within it.  I stand for strong neighborhood character, excellant services and programs, and fiscal responsibility. Throughout my years, I’ve met, listened to, and

Letter from Candidate Curt Bender

Dear Morrison 3rd Ward Voters: My name is Curt Bender, and I am honored to be running for your representative on the Morrison City Council.  I am running as 3rd Ward Alderman, because I think I can bring a different perspective to the council. I have been employed with Willett,

Changes to thecity1.com

Have you noticed things look a bit different on thecity1.com, as of Monday, March 18, 2013?  Get to know the new city1.com.  Share your comments on the Forum, under “Site Related/Suggestion Box.” Why the changes?  We updated the core Content Management System–which lays out the site and “makes it work.” 

Changes on thecity1.com

Have you noticed things look a bit different on thecity1.com, as of Monday, March 18, 2013?  Get to know the new city1.com.  Share your comments on the Forum, under “Site Related/Suggestion Box.” Why the changes?  We updated the core Content Management System–which lays out the site and “makes it work.” 

Hardee’s Grand Re-Opening Specials

Hardee’s of Morrison, IL, 200 N. Base Street, will celebrate its remodel with a Grand Re-Opening featuring Customer Appreciation Specials, from Monday, March 11, through Sunday, March 17, 2013.  There are no coupons required to access the special prices, but you may only purchase 10 of any item. Sausage Biscuits

Turn the Timepieces Ahead

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 10, 2013.  Perhaps late Saturday night, March 9, adjust ahead one hour your alarm and vehicle clocks, everyone’s watches, and the microwave or oven.   

Whiteside Forum “Think Global, Act Local: Transportation”

The Whiteside Forum invites the public to its latest topical presentation, “Think Global, Act Local:  Transportation,” on Thursday, February 28, 2013, in the Program Room of the Odell Public Library, 307 S. Madison Street, Morrison, IL.  The program begins at 6:30 p.m. with guest speaker Gary Meden, Deputy for Programs

Schools to Release Students Early

Due to the impending snowstorm Morrison Community Schools will be dismissed early on Tuesday, February 26, 2013.  Northside students will be released at 12:55 p.m.  All other buildings will dismiss at 1:00.

Ribbon Cutting at Kreative Rentals Ltd.

The Morrison Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, February 22, 2013, at Kreative Rentals Ltd., 115 E. Main Street, Morrison, IL, to recognize new owner Katie Jakubs.  She owns a “premier rental, decorating, and consulting business” for weddings, ceremonies, receptions, banquets, and other special events. Pictured

Women Connect With Practical Points

Three, dynamic guest speakers provided a unique women’s experience on Thursday, February 21, 2013.  They included, left-to-right, Mary Black, owner of SuperWash, Inc.; financial consultant Angie VanderVinne of Farmers Insurance VanderVinne Agency; Whiteside County State’s Attorney Trish Joyce. Each shared 30 minutes of “Practical Points for the Everyday Woman” at