On a bitter Saturday morning at Lusk Cemetery in Albany, IL, seven members of National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (Carroll Jo Daviess DAR Chapter) and four Children of the American Revolution (Charles Carroll CAR Society) gathered shortly before 11:00 a.m. They joined area volunteers to honor deceased American veterans. December 17, 2022, was a sweeping wreath-laying event, held across 50 States and abroad, and coordinated with Arlington National Cemetery and 3000+ other locations.
Both DAR and CAR chapters had donated money to purchase wreaths.
Left-to-right, front row, are Stephanie Vavra; CAR-Anna and Isaac Blevins; Registrar Hillary Blevins; Corresponding Secretary Barb Berger; Treasurer Cindy Dyson; Regent Connie Foster; back row, CAR-Matt Callahan; Luanne Bruckner; CAR-Bailey Callahan; 1st Vice Regent Linda Mencin.

The DAR/CAR participants shivered behind eight wreaths, representing seven branches of military service, plus one in honor of Prisoners of War and those who remain Missing in Action. Wreaths were hung for these military branches: Air Force; Army; Coast Guard; Marine Corps; Merchant Marines; Navy; Space Force; POW/MIA.
The group’s task was to place a donated wreath on a pyramid wire frame at the grave of a veteran, like the three shown in the photo background. There were more than 190. Everyone was required to say aloud the name of the deceased and acknowledge their service.
Eight members of Clinton, IA, Amvets Post 28 fired a 21-round salute.

Morrison, IL, American Legion Post 328 members served as Color Guard. Left-to-right are Jerry Brearton; Terry Jones; Robert Brands; Garry Seaman; Kenneth Petersen; Larry Zuidema.

Having begun by volunteers at Arlington National Cemetery in 2017, the mission of Wreaths Across America is to “Remember, Honor, and Teach” [about] our veterans and their service to Country. To donate for wreath purchases or to take part in the December 2023 ceremony, contact Albany United Methodist Church Pastor Toni Lucas at 270-703-9799.