American Legion Post 328 is 100 Years Old!

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AmericanLegionLogoAfter two cancellations, Morrison, IL, American Legion Post 328 finally celebrated the centennial anniversary of its founding.  The Monday, August 10, 2020, cookout and meeting was cancelled due to a severe derecho, beginning about 1:45 p.m.  It devastated the Midwest.  This storm is called an “inland hurricane,” due to heavy rain, sometimes blowing horizontally, and savage winds, which reached 100 miles per hour in Northern Illinois.  At 306 E. Main Street, Morrison, IL, the front door sign stated the rain date was Tuesday, August 11.  However, that day continued into a string of days with no electrical power.  A new sign indicated August 10 would be the event’s “lucky charm.”

It was, except members of the Civil Air Patrol Squadron GLR-IL Unit 334 were unable to attend.  They were to be recognized for helping put out and take in graveside flags for Memorial Day.  Click here for an interview with CAP Commander Rick Smith.

The Morrison Post was chartered in 1920, one year after the National organization of American Legion; there are “over 100” members.  Commander Larry Zuidema noted 45 membership renewals.  Active Posts are in Mr. Morris, Prophetstown, Rock Falls, and Sterling, IL.

Members gathered outside where pork chops and chicken was grilled and bags gameboards were available.  Left-to-right are Mark Steele; Sergeant-at-Arms Jerry Brearton; Ken Brainerd; Bill Brackemyer; Past Commander Dale Usterbowski; Vern Schroeder; E. H. Stralow; Service Officer Andy Schroeder; Adjutant Ken Petersen; Commander Larry Zuidema; (grillmaster) Larry Saling; Senior Vice Commander Dennis VanZuiden; Barry Linder; Past Chaplain Bob Brands; Past Commander Terry Jones; John Martin; Chaplain Garry Seaman; (seated) Clayton Pearson.


Members enjoyed a potluck of typical summer foods:  potato salad, cole slaw, deviled eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, watermelon, and blueberries.  Besides brownies and flag-colored cookies, dessert included the traditional, iced marble sheet cake.  Commander L. Zuidema displayed the cake before he and Senior Vice Commander D. VanZuiden cut it.

ZuidemaCake   ZuidemaVanzuidenCutCake














Left-to-right are (front table) Jack Brearton; Mark Steele; (back table) Adjutant Ken Petersen; Past Commander Terry Jones; Past Commander Dale Usterbowski; Chaplain Garry Seaman; Past Chaplain Bob Brands; (right table) Illinois Representative Tony McCombie; Commander Zuidema; McCombie’s Executive Aid Liz Buckwalter.


McCombieCertificateRep. McCombie commended the Legionnaires for their past [military] service and the service they provide today.  She presented Commander Zuidema with a commemorative certificate signed by Speaker of the House Michael J. Madigan and Clerk of the House John W. Hollman.

It read. “State of Illinois, 101st General Assemby-House of Representatives acknowledges Morrison American Legion Post 328 in recognition of your 100 year anniversary and joins in the commemoration of the effort, dedication, and hard work that led to success[,] and further expresses its best wishes for personal happiness and professional achievement.  Offered by Representative Tony McCombie.”








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