
Henry Plude is a Great Big

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HenryPludeDaniVanceAs indicated in the title, the word “Big” is a also a title, not an adjective.  It describes an adult who mentors a child, called a “Little,” in a Nationwide support program.  The t-shirt design says it all:  Bigs and Littles are linked by love.

Henry Plude, Morrison, IL, is a five-year, volunteer mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Whiteside County.  He is shown with BBBS Director Danielle Vance, Morrison.  They participated in a Morrison Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting ceremony on Thursday, March 16, 2017, in the cafeteria of Northside School, 520 N. Genesee Street, Morrison.

The pair was joined by four Littles who are part of the local one-on-one mentoring program, and 11 supportive community members.

Plude began his volunteer work with a Northside first grade boy in 2012.  That lad is now a sixth grade Little at the junior high.  “It has been so cool to watch him come up,” Plude said.  The pair eat lunch together once a week in a conference room.

He also meets a Northside Little, sharing lunchi n the cafeteria and meeting in the hallway to chat.  This is a lunch-based program one hour long and sometimes includes shared time on the playground.

“Kids need to know early on that [there is] someone they can count on.”

Do you know a child who could benefit from an adult mentor?  Can you offer that precious gift?  Contact Director Vance at dvance@bbbs-mv.org.

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