Youth and Parents Paint Kunes Windows

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Kunes County Auto Group of Morrison, 627 E. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL, is finalizing one holiday promotion while beginning a second.  Until the end of the November, visitors can “Fill the [Chevy] Cruz” with non-perishable items for Morrison Friends Food Pantry.  As a “thank you,” the dealership offers two specials:  $189/month leasing, and Chevy sales with 0% financing for six years, on select models.  The Christmas holiday was begun with volunteer art work.

Eight colorful windows span the showroom, making it necessary for shoppers to enter the premises to see featured merchandise.  One not to miss is a 2016 Chevrolette Corvette Stingray Convertible.  Watch for Grand Marshall Don Miller being escorted in this burgundy beauty, during the Christmas Parade, Saturday, December 3.  If someone purchases it after the event, year-end pricing includes gift “wrap.”

During Thanksgiving week, Receptionist Nancy Stuart organized talented students from Morrison High School to design showroom windows.  After school on Monday, November 21, 2016, two volunteers began the process by drawing grease pencil outlines of their snowman designs.  Victoria Rennie, her mother Theresa, and Linzie Severson returned Tuesday, November 22, to finish drawing five-of-eight sketches.  Shown left-to-right are Severson, Victoria, and Theresa.


“I’m very thankful the girls decided to [help],” stated Stuart.

She worked with the Druien family of Milledgeville, IL, to draw three, and paint eight, panels on Friday, November 25, and Saturday, November 26.  Kunes Technician Justin Druien worked the latter day; he was unavailable for the photo taken by employee Joe Bielema on Friday.  Wife Wendy and daughters Krystal, grade nine, and Hailey, grade four, assisted Stuart both days.  Left-to-right are Hailey, Wendy, and Krystal with Stuart.






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