Would You Please Take This Survey?

This will only take a few minutes of your time. Thank you.

The following questions can be answered with a simple “Yes” or “No.”

Do you favor cutting food stamps so the lazy S. O. B.’s will get off their butts and get a job?

Do you favor land mines on our border with Mexico to keep illegals out of our Country?

Do you favor giving illegals one week to get out of our Country or being shot on sight?

Do you favor eliminating the job-killing E. P. A .?

Do you favor eliminating the Departments of Education and Labor in order to get Government off our backs and cut the deficit?

Please answer the next questions with “More favorable” or “Less favorable.”

If you were to learn that Congresswoman Tootsi was  a former prostitute, would your opinion of her be more favorable or less favorable?

If you were to learn that Congresswoman Tootsi cheated on her income tax, would your opinion of her be more favorable or less favorable?

If you were to learn that Congresswoman Tootsi voted to increase food stamps for the lazy, good-for-nothing welfare queens, would your opinion of her be more favorable or less favorable?

If you learned that Mr. Goodie had been a Boy Scout and sang in the church choir, would your opinion of him be more favorable or less favorable?

If you learned that Mr. Goodie favored a 10% tax cut for everyone, would your opinion of him be more favorable or less favorable?

If you learned that, if elected to Congress, Mr. Goodie would reduce college costs, would your opinion of him be more favorable or less favorable?

Do you want less taxes, more Government service, and secure borders? If so, please donate to “The Committee to Elect Pie-in-the-Sky Legislators.”

By the way, have you ever received one of these so-called surveys or polls? Really, do you think they give a [care] about what you think? or are they trying to influence what you think?

I don’t know about you, but I consider this charade

  • an insult to my intelligence
  • a very dishonest campaign tactic
  • character assassination
  • an appeal to bigotry
  • a fraud
  • a lie.

Why would we want to vote for any politician that resorts to such deception and assumes that we are fools?

I, for one, will not support such chicanery. Will you join me?

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