Why Such a Fuss over Transgenders?

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This essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.

For reasons of insanity, many Republican politicians have made a great issue of which restroom a transgendered person should be allowed to use–as if this was an issue of National survival.  I cannot believe this is such an important problem that it cannot be solved at the level closest to the dilema–which would be the parents and the local schools.  The decision is certainly not an issue for our Congress or our State Legislators!

Demonizing .04% of our population over their choice of toilet facility seems to have a sinister, political motive, and not the intent to solve a serious public problem.  We are talking about 136,000 transgendered people, out of a population of 340,000,000 people.  This so-called “problem” is infinitesimally small.

In addition to being so minute, this is not a new phenomenon.  Transgendered people were recognized in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.  I have to ask, so why is it now a big deal?  Scientists have known for quite some time that this occurs in other mammals as well.  I have known gay people, bisexuals, and a very few transgendered people.

Growing up they wanted to be like everyone else.  This was a condition they struggled with and one that caused them and their parents a great deal of anguish.

How can we have any respect for those Republican politicians that are picking on a vulnerable minority?  Is their goal to try to up the rate of suicide among transgendered people?  That would truly be sinister.

I remember well when my best Army buddy told me that he was gay.  His information left me in a state of shock.  We had gone on many double daters together.  I had just assumed that he would eventually marry his date.  At that time churches were never locked; at nine at night, I went to St. Patrick’s, lit a candle, and prayed.  Our friendship remained.  I realized, he was still the same person I’d always known and could count on.  He would be the Best Man at my wedding.

Transgendered people are more like us, than we care to admit.  They deserve our love and/or respect.  We should protect their rights, as if they were our brothers and sisters.

To quote from The Ryme of the Ancient Mariner:  “He loveth best, who loveth best all things both great and small; for the dear God who loveth us, he made and loveth all.