
Whiteside Forum Zoom Documentary February 25

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DrivingWhileBlackSmallWe will explore American History and honor of Black History month, on Thursday, February 25, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.  The public is invited to join and discuss the PBS documentary “Driving While Black:  Race, Space, and Mobility in America.”

We will be joined by Augustana College Associate Professor of History, Dr. Lauren Hammond to help answer our questions.

Even if you have not seen the documentary, you are still encouraged to participate or listen in.  Details are below.

Join the Zoom Meeting online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85388344284?pwd=aDVqRHB6M2VnbGRUb0NLZ01sT1cwZz09.

Meeting ID:  853 8834 4284
Passcode:  782179.

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