
Whiteside County Sheriff Endorses Joan Padilla

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JoanPadillaOn Tuesday, August 18, 2020, Whiteside County Sheriff John Booker announced who he will support for Illinois State Representative in this year’s election.

“I am honored to endorse Joan Padilla for 71st District State Representative,” Booker said.  “Joan is hard-working and fully dedicated to the citizens of this District.”

In a year that has seen considerable strain in relations between citizens and Law Enforcement, the Sheriff indicated that he supports Padilla for her dedication to the people of the 71st and their interests.  “With Joan Padilla as our State Representative, our area will be well-represented in Springfield.”

When asked for comment, Padilla expressed her gratitude and said, “I have, over the years, gotten to know and appreciate John Booker as a friend and community leader, dedicated to the service and safety of the residents of Whiteside County.”

With his endorsement, Sheriff Booker adds his name to what has become a lengthy lineup in support for Padilla.  The Illinois Nurses Association, the Illinois AFL-CIO, and Equality Illinois are some of many organizations that have expressed approval of Padilla’s candidacy.

Padilla is currently the Executive Director of Home of Hope, a philanthropic organization dedicated to caring for cancer patients and their families.  She took the position, because she “care[s] deeply about the citizens of [her] district–none more so, than those whose health has been jeopardized by forces beyond their control.”  Her campaign has focused primarily on improving citizens’ quality of life, by investing in education and small business in the region, with an emphasis on adapting to the coronavirus.

For more information on Padilla’s candidacy, stances, and endorsements, please follow Joan Padilla for the 71st on Facebook or visit

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