This essay was written by Dr. Arthur C. Donart, PhD, Korean Veteran.
I wish our media would focus its attention on the issues that confront us, rather than the cheap shots that politicians are taking to discredit their opponents.
So, Nikki Haley changed her mind about raising the gas tax. When politicians realize they have made a mistake about an issue, they ought to face up [to it], admit they were wrong, and change their support or opposition. Possibly, raising the gas tax to finance road repairs was in the public’s best interest. It might have saved lives and money spent on car repairs.

On the other hand, what age is too old for someone to be a U. S. President? There are only four years’ difference in Joe Biden’s age–81– and that of Donald J. Trump–77. Trump makes far more gaffs than Biden, and he tells more lies than George Santos.
Unfortunately, this is the season for a lot of thoughtless, nice-sounding sound bites. Our media should serve us better. Echoing Republican concerns about the border, might the media ask how Republicans know that terrorists, Hamas, drug lords, etc. are illegally crossing our southern border. Or are Republicans just making up rubbish, to frighten voters into voting for them?
“How do you know that? Where are you getting your information?” might be good questions for reporters and news commentators to ask.
Might our democracy be more important for the media to feature? An interviewer should ask Republican Presidential candidates, “Would you pardon a former President who tried to overthrow our government?” If so, “How would that be upholding our Constitution?” Should not our reporters be asking these questions?
Personally, I will never support an ex-President who
*was a draft dodger
*referred to the military as “suckers”
*refused to honor our war dead at Normandy, France, because he might have gotten rained on!
How do Republican Presidential “wannabes” propose fixing our over-costly health care system? What are their plans for ending homelessness and childhood-poverty? Will they safeguard the rights of workers to organize and bargain for better wages? Will they enforce anti-trust laws?
Asking important questions is a significant and powerful tool–and duty–of the media. Some need to master that skill immediately.