
What a Box of Girl Scout Cookies Means

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2018CookiesGirl Scouts all over the Nation are out selling cookies. You’ll see them in their vests or sashes, in groups or with a parent, pulling wagons or carrying bags full of Thin Mints, Savannah Smiles, S’mores, Tagalongs, and Samoas.

What you won’t see are the hours their leaders spent with them coaching on money skills, sales pitches, goal setting, ethics, and professionalism.

What you won’t see is a big number–250, or 700, or 1050–written down in a little girl’s handwriting and taped up by her bed, her mind set on selling that number of boxes.

What you won’t see is the pounding heart of a little girl who gets nervous talking to strangers, but does it anyway to reach her goal.

What you won’t see is her parent reviewing a summer camp brochure and scribbling down how much money she’ll need to save each month, plus how many boxes of cookies her daughter will need to sell in order to get there.

What you won’t see is a little girl joining with her entire troop, as they decide to use their cookie money to have a life-changing adventure or improve their community in a lasting way.

So please smile back.
Please speak kindly.
Please buy a box or few or donate boxes.
Please be patient while she counts money.  Please let her do the math.
Please ask her about her cookie goal.
Please ask her about her badges.
Please ask her about her awards.
Please ask her about her Girl Scout adventures.
Please let her know she is valued.

Yep, a box of cookies can do all that!
#morethanjustcookies #essentiallifeskills

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