Weston Dixon Receives Doctor of Occupational Therapy Degree

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Weston Dixon, OTD, OTR/L, received his Doctorate degree in Occupational Therapy.  He is a graduate of Fulton High School, who now lives in Morrison, IL.  Prior to earning the entry-level Doctorate degree, he has been employed as a registered and licensed Occupational Therapist at Morrison Community Hospital.  Dixon works with out-patients and those on the Skilled Care floor.

“I just completed my dream degree, Doctor of Occupational Therapy, at University of Wisconsin-Madison in May 2024.”

While a student, Dixon volunteered at a pro-bono, on-campus clinic.  In his second year as a volunteer, he was a mentor to younger students having their first interactions with physical therapy patients.  The honor cord he wore at graduation signified this recognition.

He earned an impressive scholastic recognition during Spring semester–earning a 4.0 Grade Point Average.  Weston Dixon was ranked number one in his Occupational Therapy graduating class!

Dr. Dixon recently passed his Board exams and is licensed to practice in Iowa.  “I will be licensed in Illinois soon,” he noted.