Well #4 Is Being Tested

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If you closed your eyes, it sounded like a gurgling mountain stream.  Rushing water sparkled in the morning sun of Thursday, July 25, 2013, as it flowed steadily from a pipe above the hill in Kelly Park, to E. High Street, Morrison, IL.  Well #4 was the source. 

Recently, a new motor and pump were installed.  On Wednesday, July 24, and Thursday water samples would be collected, 24 hours apart.  Each would be incubated for 24 hours and tested for bacterial growth at an Environmental Protection Agency certified lab in Dixon, IL.

City of Morrison Director of Public Services Gary Tresenriter stated, “They’ll call Friday[, July 26] morning with [results of] the first sample.  Saturday morning” he will receive notice of the second test.

“You are better off if you just turn it on and let it run,” he explained about the outpouring.

Dan Sitzmore, Morrison, stopped to ask, “What are they doing?”  Now he knows. 

July25 well4 flush

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