Water Tower to be Shrouded

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There are some jobs almost nobody wants!  Being a “rigger” might be an example.

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On Tuesday, August 13, 2013, riggers continued working on a containment system–a type of canvas cover–that soon will enclose the water tower at Kelly Park in Morrison, IL, similar to a gigantic garbage bag.  Right now, the tower looks a bit like a pin cushion.

Over the next 60 days the crew will sandblast the tower, keeping the debris inside the cover.  Nearby residents will appreciate that.  Priming and painting follow.  White is the color, with no City name or logo. 

Gary Tresenriter, Director of Public Services and Acting City Administrator, explainied.  Because the tower is not visible as one approaches or drives through Morrison, it was deeemed unnecessary to add a town label.  Eliminating the logo, which was designed earlier, is simply another cost-saving tactic.

On Thursday, August 8, the firm of Maxcor, from Lockport, IL, dispatched a crew of riggers to begin inserting those radiating steel supports around the tower.  Atop the supports rest narrow, movable, metal platforms for riggers to walk along.  The men are stringing metal cable into an airy mesh.  Cables also descend to the ground, to await their task of hoisting the containment system/cover. 

Tresenriter stated the original project bid with Maxcor was $447,000.  However, “we don’t know the extent of unexpected repairs.  [There is an area] below the water level that couldn’t be inspected [and] isn’t in the bid.”

“We already know the interior ladder [must be] replaced.”  That will cost $4800.  “There is an interior pipe to be eliminated,” but Tresenwriter does not know the cost of that procedure.

One Maxcor man–perhaps older, perhaps wiser–seemed to instruct the riggers from the safety of a catwalk.  Another employee on the ground indicated he no longer does aerial work, due to injuries.  Ironically, it was knee damage.  There is no safety harness to prevent that.

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