Water Rates Discussed

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Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey submitted the report.

The Morrison City Council meeting opened, without Alderman Josh West, on Monday, February 27, 2023, to announcement of the closing of the Odell Public Library for flooring repair (March 20 – April 1.) Mayor Scott Vandermyde noted that the Community Room would remain available for community use during the closure.

City Administrator Brian Melton introduced an Action item to purchase a used Asphalt Hot Box Machine for the price of $8500. He noted that such a machine has never been included in the City’s street repair equipment inventory. He added that “hot patch” has a history of enduring traffic twice as much as the currently applied “cold patch.” The Action was approved,with Alderman Vern Tervelt offering the only Nay vote.

A final payment request ($14,475) for the Top Roofing of the Odell Public Library and Community Room Project was unanimously approved.

Discussion of Proposed Water Rates by CA Melton and Matt Hansen (Willett, Hoffman & Associates) followed. Melton detailed the City’s needs and recapped the Major Capital Projects 2013 through 2025:
* 2013-2014: $475,000 (New Well #5, East End Water Main Loop, Water Tower Rehabilitation)
* 2021-2022: $1.2 million (Water Main–Main Street Reconstruction)
* 2022-2023: $325,000 (West End Water Main Loop )
* 2023: $1.5 million (Route 78 South Water Main Replacement and 3 Water Main Loops)
* 2024: $1.2 million (Water Tower Improvements and Water Main Loop)
* 2025: $900,000 (East Main Water Loop Replacement and North End Water Main Loop.)

All past and projected Water Main Projects have been submitted to IEPA for a 50% payment forgiveness per project.

Water Rate increases following the scheduled system improvements and upgrades are proposed at 3.70% (FY2024); 3.60% (FY2025); 3.50 % (FY2026); 2.10% (FY2027.)

Closing discussions evolved from Melton’s inquiry of Councilmen suggestions of proposed restrictions, if an Ordinance were drafted to allow the raising of chickens within the City limits. The subject remains an emotional issue. A future Ordinance will be forthcoming for more Council consideration.

The Council moved into a Closed Session and approved the filling of two new positions within the Public Works area. The candidate searches will begin within the current employee base, before any openings for external candidates are considered.