
Wa-Tan-Ye Brunch and Garden Club Program

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EggCasseroleThe annual community Wa-Tan-Ye Summer Brunch will be held Satrurday, June 22, 2019, beginning at 9:00 a.m., at Morrison United Methodist Church, 200 W. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL.

Enjoy a delicious meal of breakfast casseroles, muffins, breads, cinnamon rolls, fruit, and beverages.

Have you wondered what flowers and bushes would make your gardens or yard more attractive to butterflies and bees?  Morrison Garden Club members will discuss plantings designed to attract helpful pollinators.

The cost of the meal is by donation.  All proceeds go toward an annual scholarship awarded to a Morrison High School graduating Senior girl.

Reservations by Thursday, June 20, are appreciated, but not required.  Call Ann Camp at 815-772-7937 to make reservations.  Bring a family member, friend, or garden lover.

Morrison Wa-Tan-Ye is the annual sponsor at September ARC Blood Drives.


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