Volunteers Wish 1st Responders Happy Lunar New Year

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Sally Gray submitted this press release.

This past Sunday, January 26, 2025, after worship, Morrison United Methodist Church came together, to assemble 150 “lucky bags” for our local first responders.

Each bag included items like sanitizing wipes, hand warmers, jerky sticks, and Korean snacks.  Items were generously donated by Pastor Sun-Ah Kang’s family and the Missions Committee.

[The gifts were] inspired by the Korean Lunar New Year tradition, “Seollal,” celebrated this year on Wednesday, January 29.  This was our way of sharing blessings and showing gratitude to those who serve our community daily.

Let’s continue spreading love and kindness wherever we can.

Pastor Sun-Ah, son, and husband Peter Kang offer wishes for a Happy Lunar New Year.