The American Legion member J. W. Brearton submitted the press release. Brian Bartoz submitted an additional photo of Morrison High School students.
Fifty-six volunteers from Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, SVCC Impact, MHS Key Club, Legion Post, MHS Legion Scholarship winners, and good citizens volunteered their Saturday, May 18, 2024, morning to put out 764 flags on veterans’ graves at Grove Hill Cemetery in Morrison, IL. Adding to the 18 volunteers that put out 273 flags on Friday, May 17, that equals 1037 total flags. See the list here:
Due to an Honor Guard funeral, the Legion Scholarship winner Nursing Clinicals, and, most importantly, communication, the Legion granted permission to Miss Cambell Buikema to fulfill her obligation of assisting with flag planting a day prior to the main day. Supervised by Adjutant Zigler, Miss Cambell and her group of volunteer family and friends planted 273 (26%) flags of the 1037 total on veterans’ graves. They are shown below.

Two pictures of the Saturday crew were necessary.

Brearton concluded, “The American Legion Post cannot thank ALL volunteers enough! [Although] not pictured, all rural cemeteries were completed with a crew led by Service Officer Ken Brainerd. With this many volunteers, the whole task was accomplished in less than two hours.
Brian Bartoz wrote, “Morrison High School students joined members of Morrison American Legion Post #328 and other community volunteers, to place flags at the graves of veterans at Grove Hill Cemetery, on Saturday, May 18. The flags will remain on display until Saturday, June 1.
“Left-to-right are Serenity Guerrero, Sarah Osborn, Leland Kramer, Jacob Shipley, Peyton Emerson, Madison Banks, and Danielle Fulton. Not pictured are students Anna Blevins, Caeleb Bramm, and Yuki Perez.

“Local Scouts who attend schools within Unit District #6 participated on Saturday, as well. In addition, Senior Cambell Buikema worked with other Morrison High School students and adults from the community to place flags on veterans’ graves on Friday, May 17.
“Many thanks to Jerry Brearton and the members of The American Legion Post #328 for coordinating the flag-planting effort each year.”