Vogel Descendants Attend Holiday Gathering

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Twenty-seven Vogel family members attended their annual Holiday gathering, on Tuesday afternoon, December 5, 2023, at Resthave Care & Rehabilitation, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL. Their ages range from 58 (Brian Vogel, front table, far right) to 103 (Alice “Sis” Bordner, far left across the table from Brian.)

They now may have different last names, but they are descendants of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vogel, photographed seated in the center of the second row. The photo celebrates their 50th wedding anniversary. The date cited is May 15, 1925.

Seventeen children were positioned on the spring grass. One of them resides at Resthave Care & Rehabilitation today. The first child in the first row is little Alice Vogel, now Alice “Sis” Bordner.