Verizon Cell Tower Rises

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At 20108 E. Lincoln Road. Morrison, IL, there recently sprouted a Verizon cell phone tower on the farm property of Brian and Cindy Bonneur.  At 190 feet tall, it will become an easy landmark.

The mono-pole cell tower was originally designed to be a tripod, stated Don Means of Springfield, IL,

On Saturday, January 12, 2013, this owner of Amco Fence and Rhonda Royer were hard at work, installing 24 posts to support protective fencing around the structure.  

At 3:00 p.m. they were almost finished digging the holes.  Means was mixing a batch of cement to stabilize the posts before darkness fell.  The wheelbarrow was heavy, and the gravel made a rough path to maneuver.

A second Amco Fence crew is expected to erect the fence around the 70′ by 70′ location, Means ssid, on Tuesday, January 15, or Wednesday, January 16.

After the new tower is activated, “you should be able to get full [reception]  bars,” he stated.

When that will be is “proprietary” information and, thus, unavailable.  Locals should notice when it takes place by viewing their cell phone bars.



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