Up to 16 Additional Charges Filed

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The Honorable William McNeal opened session in Courtroom 108 of the Sterling, IL, branch of the Whiteside County Courthouse shortly after noon–an hour late–on Tuesday, August 20, 2013.  This Pretrial Conference was to enter additional charges against two defendants, half-brothers charged with starting a Main Street fire on Monday, July 15, in Prophetstown, IL.

As in the past, His Honor warmly greeted the boys first, “Good morning,” and called them by name.  He identified those present for the record:

  • Boy-12 and his Defense Attorney, Colleen Buckwalter
  • Boy-16 and his Defense Attorney, Mark Holldorf
  • Prosecutor Carol Linkowski of the Whiteside County States Attorney Office
  • Victim’s Advocate Bonnie Espey
  • a Whiteside County Court Services representative
  • the children’s father and his current wife, Mary, who have supervision of Boy-12
  • paternal grandparents Greg and Tamara, who have supervision of Boy-16
  • the mother of Boy-16, Laurie, and her mother, Sally
  • a pastor
  • members of the press. 

Still not in attendance was the mother of Boy-12, a New York resident.  However, she has been served a summons and petition.

At their last court appearance on Tuesday, July 30, His Honor stated investigative agencies were still evaluating the cases againt the youths.   He had added that Prosecutor Linkowski might file additional charges.  She filed plenty.

He read, “There is a filed amended petition that alleges on July 15” the boys

  • committed residential arson–a felony.
  • committed felony arson.
  • committed criminal damage to property–a felony.
  • committed from four-to-16 additional felonies of criminal damage to property, citing different victims.

Both attorneys waived reading of the details.

Boy-12 continues under home supervision with his father and stepmother, which was set at his arraignment, Tuesday, July 16.  Boy-16 will remain under home detention, using electrical monitoring, with his paternal grandparents, as ordered during his hearing Tuesday, July 23.  Both are in Prophetstown.

The Pretrial Conference proceedings were continued until Tuesday, September 10, at 11:00 a.m.   Defense Attorney Buckwalter asked for the postponement.  The judge was disappointed in the request, but allowed it.  Both attorneys agreed to the date set by Judge McNeal.

“I was hoping we could get some of the charges [resolved, to get] these boys back in school.”

There will be many months before their trials.


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