Unveiling of Vet’s Memorial and Vietnam Vet Tribute

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 The Thomson Veteran’s Memorial Committee has announced that the design for the Thomson Veteran’s Memorial will be unveiled Saturday, November 14, 2015, at 1:00 p.m., at the Donald Ashpole Post, American Legion, Argo Fay Road, Thomson, IL.  Ground-breaking will begin in the spring of 2016.

The unveiling will commence the “Tribute to Veterans Celebration” hosted by the Thomson Sesquicentennial Committee and the Carroll Jo Daviess Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, in association with the Department of Defense (DOD.)

The Thomson Veteran’s Memorial is being solely funded by donations from the public.  It will be constructed on land donated by the Law-Jones Funeral Home on IL Route 84 South.  Heading the committee are Mike Foltz and Steve Whiting, with representatives from the American Legion.  Donations can be made at the Savanna-Thomson State Bank or at the Carroll County Review office, 809 W. Main Street, Thomson.

vietnam memorial2The Carroll Jo Daviess Chapter, DAR, will present a program of tribute, music by Mike and Amie Callahan, and presentation of DOD Certificates to Vietnam veterans of the area.  The Charles Carroll Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) will assist with flags and present certificates.  Thomson Sesquicentennial Committee will provide and serve cake, coffee, lemonade, and iced tea.

Special invitations have been sent to Vietnam veterans of the area, but all area veterans are welcome and encouraged to come and enjoy the event.  If you are a Vietnam veteran or a surviving spouse of a Vietnam veteran who not receive an invitation, please attend.  Be sure to sign in when you arrive, because special certificates are available.  Or contact Regent Gwen Smith at 815-275-7362 or Luanne Bruckner at 815-259-3168

Chairman of the event is Connie Schmitt Foster.  The Carroll Jo Daviess Chapter, D.A.R., is a partner with the Department of Defense in recognizing and thanking the veterans of Vietnam during this, the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam Conflict. 

Special receptions have already been held in Savanna, and Chadwick/Milledgeville, IL.  Future events will take place in Jo Daviess and Stephenson Counties throughout 2016.

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