United Way Building for Sale

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United Way of Whiteside County CEO Keri Olson submitted the press release and photograph.

For 102 years, this imposing, two-story, brick edifice has been a gathering place, at 502 First Avenue, Sterling, IL. It began as a church, welcoming life-long parishioners and visitors, and celebrating baptisms, Sunday Schools programs, weddings, and funerals.

Recently it has been the home of United Way of Whiteside County, where service to others continues as the building’s raison d’etre. However, with 3000 square feet of space, a large hall with 20′ domed ceiling, fellowship rooms, choir loft, and basement–this building is too large for the United Way employees. They require a few office spaces only.

The stained glass windows are intact. A convenient parking area is behind the building. How would you reimagine it?

Realtor Dave DeVries is in charge of viewings and questions. Contact him at Xtreme Realty, 1201 First Avenue, Rock Falls, IL, or 815-380-2500.

The asking price is $149, 900.