
Unique Plans for May 24 Commencement

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Editor’s note:  Morrison High School Principal Cory Bielema stated, “We will be live streaming the ceremony at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/.”

2grad2014This photograph was taken in May 2014, when Morrison High School Seniors completed their Commencement ceremony, seated together, on lush grass at E. M. “Bud” Cole football field.  At that time, females wore white robes, and males wore red ones.

In May 2020, State mandates to combat exposure to the COVID-19 coronavirus necessitated more complex, ceremonial modifications for the 59, soon-to-be members of the Class of 2020. 

Much flexible, creative thinking on the part of Unit School District #6 personnel resulted in the plans listed below.  During interviews with Police Chief Brian Melton, Superintendent Scott Vance, Principal Cory Bielema, and Art Teacher Tony Wright, the desire to provide a safe and memorable experience to honor graduates was of utmost importance.

Principal Bielema wrote the following to MHS Seniors and parents.

Congratulations!  You are almost to the end of your High School journey….We realize that due to COVID-19, this year did not end up how you envisioned.  However, we will not let this pandemic take away the moment you have worked 12 years for….This year’s Commencement will look different from what we are all used to, but we are going to do our best to make it just as special for you and your family.

We are excited to announce that Morrison High School will hold its Class of 2020 Commencement Exercise on Sunday, May 24, at 2:00 p.m., in a “drive-through” Commencement ceremony.  After careful planning and consideration, we have decided to celebrate the Mustang Class of 2020 with an in-person opportunity to walk across the stage, while limited family is able to witness from their automobile.

There will be a Zoom meeting scheduled for Friday, May 22, at 4:00 p.m., to serve as our graduation practice.  Invitations to this meeting will be shared through each student’s @morrisonschools.org account.  

Based on COVID-19 guidance from Governor J. B. Pritzker and Superintendent of Education Dr. Carmen Ayala, MHS will implement several, IMPORTANT SAFETY MEASURES in the best interest of everyone in attendance.

1. Each graduate will be allowed one vehicle only.  No large vehicles such as buses, church vans/buses, or trailers will be allowed.  Only cars, trucks, SUVs, and family vans will be allowed.  No person will be allowed to ride in the bed of a truck.  All occupants, other than the graduate at the appropriate time, must remain inside their vehicle.  To allow other family members and friends the opportunity to view this momentous occasion, Commencement will be live-streamed on NFHS Network by Justin Stevenson [at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/ or from a vehicle on FM radio station 102.1.

Editor’s noteYou must open your NFHS Network account or create one before the transmission begins at 2:00.  On the website, beside the word Browse, type Morrison High School, Morrison, IL; scroll down to Other Events; click Graduation.

2. Graduates will walk across the stage wearing their cap and gown and have their name read over the sound system.  No handshaking will take place.  Diploma covers will be made available for pick up during the week of May 18, at the time frame allocated for Chromebook return.  Diplomas will be distributed at a later date.  Students may bring the cover to the ceremony, to be used as a prop for a photo opportunity.  Tony Wright will take [some] photographs for the yearbook.

3. Anyone outside of their car must wear a mask.  Individual students may remove their masks while having their individual photo taken.  Only staff members and the limited number of students should be outside of their car at any time.

4. No guest will be allowed onto the stage after the graduation ceremony.  Graduates and guests should refrain from gathering in groups on campus areas before, during, or after the ceremony.

5. In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved to Monday, May 25, at 10:00 a.m.


Editor’s note:  Each student will be assigned a row and alphabetical ordinal when they return their Chromebook, during the week of Monday, May 18, to Friday, May 22.  Bielema suggests arriving from IL Route 78 onto Academic Drive, beginning at 1:30, on May 24.  Line up will be directed by staff and volunteers, with staging first at the Junior High parking lot.  Cars will process onto Academic Drive, through the Southside School front parking lot, and along Academic Drive to Genesee Avenue.  Parking will be assigned in the MHS south practice field off Genesee Avenue, facing the stadium and a flatbed truck stage.  Chief Melton stresses this ceremony is for graduates and their family only.  The public cannot gather in front of the stage or park on school grounds.

  • There will be a Law Enforcement Officer to help direct you.  Once all cars are “seated” and the ceremony begins, student speakers will be allowed to leave their cars, deliver their speeches, and return to their cars.  Editor’s noteThe program includes traditional student speakers, one-at-a-time:  one Valedictorian, one Salutatorian, and two Student Choice speakers.  Because there was no ability to rehearse as a group, the band will not offer live music.
  • When the time comes for the recognition of the graduates, cars will be directed by row to leave the South practice field, circle through the MHS parking lot, and stop near the stage.  Only the graduate will exit the vehicle and make his/her way across the stage.  A driver may pull forward to the center of the stage for a picture opportunity.  Students exit on the opposite end of the stage and re-enter the vehicle.
  • Each car will exit the MHS parking lot, head east on Genesee Court, and re-enter the south practice field; we will then complete the ceremony.

While this is not the celebration we originally had in mind for the Morrison High School Class of 2020, it will for sure be a special, unique, celebratory ceremony we will all remember for a lifetime.  The Class of 2020 will leave a legacy on MHS like no other class before!

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