Under Bustos’s Pressure, Trump Extends National Guard Virus Response

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On Thursday, December 3, 2020, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos issued the following statement.  It was given after President Trump announced he will extend National Guard activations, for COVID-19 response efforts, through March 31, 2021.  Current activations were set to expire at the end of the year.  Without an extension, States would have been forced to grapple with a gap in Federal funding for relief efforts; stand down members of the National Guard; potentially shutter desperately-needed COVID-19 response services.

The announcement, however, also extends a 25-percent cut to Federal funding for deployment, following the Trump Administration’s 100-percent coverage that existed earlier this year.

Representatives Bustos, Max Rose, and Deb Haaland introduced legislation in August, seeking toforce the Administration to cover the full cost of National Guard deployments for COVID-19 response efforts, throughout the Nation.  [Their goal was] to ensure every State and Territory is treated equally.

“While today’s decision to extend the service of our women and men in the National Guard is essential, it simply doesn’t go far enough.  As they face what may be one of the deadliest winters in American history, cash-strapped States are still forced to navigate Federal funding cuts to the costs of National Guard deployments

“On its way out the door, this Administration continues to financially burden struggling States.  While the pandemic wreaks havoc on our Nation, they callously turn a blind eye to the impact that rising COVID-19 cases have on our communities.  Ultimately, their decision to extend cuts to Federal funding for State deployments also takes a toll on our cities and towns…. It is American families who suffer.

“Thankfully, President-elect Biden has already pledged to fully fund the efforts of our neighbors in uniform….In the meantime, these unforeseen expenses will spread State resources thin at a dire time.  That’s why I introduced legislation earlier this year to require the Trump Administration to cover the full costs of National Guard COVID-19 response efforts.

“I’ll continue to hold this Administration accountable, in its final days, and fight for the Soldiers and Airmen who have played a critical role in protecting the health of our Nation.”

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