Yet Another Impeachable Offense

This essay was written by Dick Polman. Forgive my frequent references to Richard Nixon. It’s just eerie how his impeachable behavior is being replicated by the current con man. As Yogi Berra reputedly said, “It’s like de©jevu all over again.” For instance: When Nixon decided to thwart the FBI’s probe

Should Democrats Do a Deal for the Dreamers?

This essay was written by Dick Pohlman.  Contact him at Let’s stick with the story about the Dreamers–the 800,000 young immigrants Trump wants to kick out of the Country– because, we need to talk about the Democrats.  You may remember the Democrats . They’re the people who need a

Big Government is Bad Until Red States Need Help

This essay was written by Dick Polman. It’s an old story, freshened anew by Hurricane Harvey. Republicans profess to hate “Big Guvmint” as a matter of principle–until catastrophe hits a red state. Suddenly, they’re fine with Federal spending and completely dump their rhetorical boilerplate about the nanny state. And hey,

The Fake News President

No matter what you think of Donald J. Trump, you got to admit he’s a cracker-jack salesman, with an uncanny gift for manipulating the mainstream media, like a three-armed, rental clown juggling pin-pulled grenades, on an express elevator to hell. Every single day something he touches starts smoking. You’ve heard

Partying Like It’s 1939

Will Durst is an award-winning, Nationally-acclaimed columnist, comedian, and former short-haul truck driver of plaster molds. Donald Trump is the political reincarnation of Tina Turner; he doesn’t do anything nice and easy. Also, they’re both Type A personalities who expend a lot of energy, but hardly move at all. And

The Sky’s the Limit for Skilled Trades

Tom Purcell is a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review humor columnist. The demand for skilled laborers–electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians and others–continues to soar, and that’s a good thing for America. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, skilled-trades jobs have increased by more than 1 million since 2012, “the most of any

Will the Men in the White Coats Drag Trump Away?

Editor’s note:  Dick Polman is the National political columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia and a “Writer in Residence” at the University of Pennsylvania. Check out the 25th Constitutional Amendment. A Vice President, working with a “majority of either the principle officers of the executive departments, or of such body as

Top Ten Comedic News Stories of 2016

During this festive season rife with traditions, none is more hallowed than that magical moment when the Top Ten Comedic News Stories of the year are unveiled. Truly this is the most wonderful time of the year. Please be advised that the Top Ten Comedic News Stories of 2016 are

End Heroin’s Devastation in 2017

I didn’t know the young man well–I’d hired him to do some handyman work around my house–but it was awfully unpleasant to learn that he died at 24 with a needle in his arm. It was a bad batch of heroin. The statistics will tell you, he was one of

Governor Jindal’s Stand Against Religious Freedom

I’m a free speech extremist. I believe the Government has absolutely no business regulating or censoring speech. Of course, commercially popular speech doesn’t need protection. It’s only unpopular–racist, sexist and vulgar–speech that requires it. So, as a free speech extremist, ironically, I often find myself on the same side as

Affluence Apartheid in America

And now for a few choice words concerning my recent demotion to the status of second-class citizen. The amazing thing is how quickly my metamorphosis into Cockroachlandia occurred. One minute, I’m walking around like an ordinary human; the next minute, I’m an insect, an unwanted stiff, a bum, a vagabond,

Choosing Weed Policy Over Cyber Security

A cyber attack altered your holiday movie choices last year. Sony Pictures was the victim of a massive security breach. Personal emails were revealed, films were pirated, and employee data were leaked. The corporation immediately kowtowed to the terrorists, rumored to be North Korean-sponsored, killing the theatrical release of the

Hobby Lobby Decision: Island of Freedom in Ocean of Statism

This week, supporters of religious freedom cheered the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Hobby Lobby case. The Court was correct to protect business owners from being forced to violate their religious beliefs by paying for contraceptives. However, the decision was very limited in scope and application. The Court’s decision only

Testimony by Anita Shreve

Mike Bordwin, headmaster at Avery Academy, a prestigious New England boarding school, finds himself with a videotape: a disaster in a box. The tape reveals a shocking scene, all the more so because of the three boys and one girl involved. The girl is only 14 and the boys are

She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb

This book is not new, but was well worth the trip back to the stacks to pick up and read. Wally Lamb is a noteworthy author, having won distinctive writing awards. His writing makes the characters so real, it is as if they inhabit your own world. I greatly enjoyed