NPR Showed Us the Best Way to Interview a Totalitarian Liar

Dick Polman, a veteran National Political Columnist based in Philadelphia, PA, and a Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania, writes at Email him at Journalists have been debating how to most effectively cover a defeated ex-President, who lies as he breathes and aspires to restore his

Letlow Isn’t Able to Come to His Senses

Dick Polman is a veteran National political columnist and Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania.  Email him at Nobody deserves to die in a pandemic.  But even now–after so much suffering, with so much more to come–millions of Americans still don’t seem to understand, that brainless stupidity

As Unemployment and Bankruptcies Grow, Trump Still Listens to Kushner

Editor’s note:  This article was written by Joe Guzzardi on May 14, 2020.  He is a Progressives for Immigration Reform analyst, who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. A persuasive argument can be made that President Trump’s most trusted White House confidant is his son-in-law and Senior

Our Childish Politicians Need Kindergarten Lessons

Tom Purcell is a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review humor columnist and is Nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Inc.  Send comments to Tom at We could use a hearty dose of Robert Fulghum wisdom about now. Our political discourse is at a fever pitch.  Our allegedly esteemed elected leaders are carrying

The State of the Donald Speech

Will Durst is an award-winning, Nationally acclaimed columnist, comic, and former sod farmer in New Berlin, WI. The State of the Union address, about to be presented by President Donald Trump, is a week late, due to the Government being closed for five.  In the shutdown showdown, the 45th POTUS

Time to Embrace Cursive Handwriting Again

Tom Purcell is a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review humor columnist and is Nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons, Inc. While organizing my home office a few weeks ago, I came across a letter my grandfather wrote back in 1924. He wrote that eloquent letter to his best friend’s wife, consoling her on

Wearing Out Longevity’s Welcome

Tom Purcell is a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review humor columnist and is Nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Inc.  Send comments to Tom at Boy, are Americans getting old!  According to the U. S. Census Bureau, the median age–the age at which half of the population is older and half is younger–hit

Putin’s Puppet

This essay is by Will Durst, an award-winning, Nationally acclaimed columnist, comic, and former sod farmer in New Berlin, WI.  Contact him at It was quite a shock to see the president of the United States bend the knee to Vladimir Putin and act as obsequiously as a Little

A Few 2018 Predictions

This article was written by Will Durst.  Durst is an award-winning, Nationally acclaimed columnist, comic, and former sod farmer in New Berlin, WI. For a calendar of personal appearances, including his new one-man show, “Durst Case Scenario,” please visit Time for a few choice words for the not-so-dearly departed year

Why My Father Shuns Social Media

This essay was written by Tom Purcell.  He is a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review humor columnist and is Nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Inc.  Send comments to Tom at My father is behind the curve on social media, but I think he is onto something. You see, my father was

President Trump in 2017: A Pop Quiz

Editor’s note:  This essay was written by Dick Polman. He is the National political columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia , PA, ( and a “Writer in Residence” at the University of Pennsylvania. Email him at In honor of Donald Trump’s most towering achievement–no previous President can touch his talent

No Means No

This article was written by Will Durst.  Durst is an award-winning, Nationally acclaimed columnist, comic, and former sod farmer in New Berlin, WI. For a calendar of personal appearances, including his new one-man show, “Durst Case Scenario,” please visit An avalanche of revelations concerning public figures engaging in various sexual

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Watergate

This article was written by Will Durst.  Durst is an award-winning, Nationally acclaimed columnist, comic, and former sod farmer in New Berlin, WI. For a calendar of personal appearances, including his new one-man show, “Durst Case Scenario,” please visit The initial Grand Jury indictments in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation

Remember When Matt Lauer Was Trump’s Chump?

This article was written by Dick Polman. Polman is the National Political Columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia,, and a “Writer in Residence” at the University of Pennsylvania. Email him at Matt Lauer will be remembered as a fallen sexual harasser, but in my mind, he’s forever immortalized as