Today is 11-12-13

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Today, Tuesday, November 12, 2013, can be abbreviated to read 11-12-13, which is a bit amusing.  It mighte be fun to write it that way today.  The next and last time in your life that you will be able to make such a notation occurs next year on December 13, 2014.  It will be decades before a similar pattern of dates occurs.

Numerology is the study of the occult–hidden–significance of numbers.  Finding patterns in numbers is “satisfying” on a basic level.   It inserts order and understanding.  One can have fun with numbers.  

Do you tend to count things?  Many bright people do, although it probably happens mentally, rather than aloud. 

Patterns are fun to notice.  We have an “Aha!” moment that makes us feel competent, beginning in childhood.  Constructing logical meaning for how things are arranged is another sign of intelligence.  Ask any architect, musician, artist, set designer, or preschooler with a set of colored blocks.

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