THUSE September 2023

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Photos and written by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

Homecoming activities leading up to the Friday night, September29, 2023, Homecoming game have been a highlight in Morrison, IL, forever. The THUSE activities on Thursday, September 28, were no exception. Food trucks were parked in the lot. Parents filled the seats to watch the energy of their high schoolers participating in various events. Activities were designed so each grade level competed against their fellow students, to be the Best Class of each event.

The evening began with girls’ Flag Football and was followed by a short Flag Football scrimmage between fathers and daughters. Class participants aggressively competed in the following events: Hula-Hoop race, water balloon toss, human pyramid, food eating, and tug-of-war.

As the events concluded, the Cheerleaders and Pons led the crowd in cheers, to lead up to the long-awaited crowning of the 2023 Homecoming royalty. Drum roll………Morrison Homecoming King is KARDER WHITE. Morrison Homecoming Queen is SARAH WESTON. Homecoming Prince is Elijah Ferguson, and the Princess is Natalie Brewer.

The evening ended with the traditional bonfire that sent everyone home with a smile and in anticipation for the Homecoming Parade on Friday afternoon (3:00 p.m.) and the game on Friday night (7:00) against the Sherrard Tigers.