Hair Headquarters, 200 N. Madison Street, Morrison, IL, was an apropos location for presentation of a matching donation to the Cut-a-Thon benefit for Tom Vogel. The fundraiser was organized by shop owner Charla Olson. Shelley Tiesman organized an accompanying Bake Sale, which brought in over $3000. The successful event was held at Vogel’s Barber Shop, 205 E. Main Street, Morrison, on Monday, November 10, and Tuesday, November 11, 2014, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day.
The organizers and friends of Tom Vogel gathered on Wednesday, November 19, with son Bryan Vogel to receive a $500 check from Whiteside County Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. President Evan Haag made the award. Shown left-to-right are Haag, Vogel, Olson, Tiesman, and Dale Eizenga, who made the grant request on behalf of his friend, Tom Vogel.