The Morrison Rotary Club welcomed three new members in January 2025. We welcome each of these fine new members!
Standing left-to-right are: Rotarian Michael Blean, (sponsor for Randy Larson); Larson; Evan Ernst, (sponsored by Rotarian Stanley Steines); Steines; LuEllen Lee, (sponsored by Steines).
Larson is a retired Veterinarian who still dabbles in consulting work. His daughter, Dana McCoy, who is a Rotarian in the Sterling Noon Club, accompanied him and his wife, Jan, for his installation service.
Ernst owns Refuse to Quit (RTQ) Fitness in Morrison. He is a lifelong resident of Morrison, and he looks forward to being part of the club.
Lee owns “the blue violet” in Morrison, featuring fresh flowers, candy, decor, and gift items for special people in your life. Lee is married to Matt and has three wonderful children.