
Thomson Cancels Depot Days, Halloween and Christmas Parties

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StationNovember2016Meeting in joint session with quorums, the Thomson[, IL,] Depot Museum Committee and the Thomson Chamber of Commerce voted unanimously to cancel events, due to the continuing threat of the COVID-19 virus.  These include Saturday, September 12, 2020, Depot Day and the Chamber Halloween and Christmas Parties

“It’s better to be safe than sorry, ” said Chamber President Beth Balk after much discussion.

The Depot Committee voted to sponsor a Celebration of Life on September 12, at 11:00 a.m., at the Depot to honor two recently deceased members, Donna Diephuis and Lewis Frosch.  Social distancing will be in place with masks worn.  The Thomson Library will host a reception following the event.  The Depot will open for that day only, this year, with visitors restricted to only a few at a time.  More information will be announced closer to the date.

In other business, the Depot Committee voted to elect Steve Stiles and Julie Lindstrom to fill the unexpired terms of Directors of Diephuis and Frosch.  Brian Balk will temporarily assume the duties of Treasurer from Vicky Trager, who resigned her post in March.  Alice Beveroth was elected Recording Secretary, replacing Roberta Sikkema who resigned due to family illness.  Steve Stiles and Clint Stiles will assume the duties of Curator of the Museum, replacing Frosch, and will set up a list of volunteer docents for the next season.

Anyone wishing to volunteer a few hours on a Saturday or Sunday, May-September of 2021 should contact Steve at 815-259-2121 or Clint at  Anyone wanting a private tour of the Depot Museum should contact Kathy Gray at 815-902-6064.  Small groups can be accommodated.

Sikkema presented the minutes from the November 19, 2019 meeting; they were approved as presented.  Trager reported all bills paid, tax forms filed, and insurance paid with Dykstra & Law Insurance, Inc.  The Depot received memorial donations for deceased Curator Frosch.  The Committee will send letters of appreciation for these as well as to Dusty’s for maintaining the flowers, Babe Tipton for spreading weed killer, and Les Mitchell for keeping the lawn mowed.

In other business Grant Chair Jan Bristol reported on grant applications and the Community Fund grant that was received.  She has applied for other grants to help maintain the building during the winter months.  A letter of appreciation will be sent to the Community Fund.

The next meeting is set fo 6:30 p.m., Sunday, August 20, 2020, at the Village Hall to finalize September 12th and to set a clean-up day.

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