“The Tree Ladies” Install Seasonal Charm

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This Morrison, IL, first grader found the tree that matched her age on the southeast corner of IL Route 78 and U. S. Highway 30.  It was installed earlier in the morning on Saturday, November 22,  2014.  There are a total of six wooden trees, styled to reflect half of the “12 Days of Christmas,” which is the theme of this year’s Chamber of Commerce Christmas Walk.  In 14 days, the holiday activities begin at 6:00 p.m., with Mayor Everett Pannier’s welcome, the tree lighting, and caroling in this newly decorated corner of town.  At 6:30 the lighted parade will traverse Main Street.

How did this mini-forest appear? 

The idea began with Diane Garcia, a Certified Master Gardener, Morrison Garden Club member, and member of the Chamber’s Christmas Walk Committee.  Garcia searched the internet using the topic “12 Days of Christmas.”  She “tweaked an idea from Pinterest” and donated wooden pallets from Candle-licious, the Morrison candle factory owned with her husband, Dave Stedman.

MGC member Sharon Moore stated, “Plans had been in place for some time on decorating the pots again [for Christmas] this year, and the brainstorming began in October.  We discussed the trees at our last meeting, Thursday, November 6.  Diane is the one who came up with the idea [of] making the trees and using pallets to construct them.  There are only six trees, as we have only six pots on the corner.  So, some of us volunteered to choose a day from ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ and create whatever we wished to.”

Who built the trees?

Wolfgang Schmidt, Morrison, transformed the pallets into “perfect, symmetrical trees, which can be appreciated from a distance,” Garcia stated, as traffic passes the intersection.  Club member/designer Sharon Moore explained that Garcia and Schmidt figured the height of the trees.  They based this on the distance from the road.  The trio in the background are 5′ tall; those near the corner are 4′.

Moore added, “Wolfgang constructed the trees the next week, and when they were done, we picked them up at his house.  The decorating began.  We met on Friday, November 21, at Mary Latwesen’s home to make the wreaths that [the trees] are sitting in.  Each member funded the cost of the supplies for [her] own tree.  We all met Saturday, November 22, to place them.”

Who designed them?

Members of Morrison Garden Club, whom Garcia calls “the tree ladies,” used their artistry to create six visual representations of the familiar carol.  Garcia had told them, “Do whatever you want:  whitewash, paint, stain, dry-brush paint, or use duct tape.”  They did so happily.

Moore continued, “A Partridge in a Pear Tree was designed by Linda Port.  2 Turtle Doves was designed by Cheryl Christianson.  3 French Hens was designed by Mary and Vern Latwesen.  5 Gold Rings was designed by Fran Plude, [who is a] brand new member and attended her first meeting in November.  7 Swans a-Swimming was designed by Rosemary Coplan.  12 Drummers Drumming was designed by Sharon Moore.”

“Members who assisted with the wreath making were Diane Garcia, Jan Kelly, Linda Port, Cheryl Christianson, Mary Latwesen, Fran Plude, Rosemary Coplan, and Sharon Moore.  The supplies for the wreaths came from the yards of various members.  Nothing had to be purchased for them except for the ribbon for the bows, which I purchased and donated,” said Moore.

“We had a blast doing them!” Moore concluded.

 “There was a tremendous group feeling,” Garcia added.  “It was meant for everybody to enjoy them.” 

She cautioned the public that these trees are for viewing–not touching.  They are public works of art.


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