The End and the Beginning

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Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey wrote this report.

The Morrison City Council met on Monday, April 26, 2021, with an air of excitement and appreciation.  The excitement was due to the fact that April 26 was the start of the Main Street renovation project.  This initiative has been the Council focus for several years.  The appreciation focused on the upcoming departure of Mayor Everett Pannier, who has filled the Mayor’s chair for the past eight years.

Initial action was the approval of Ordinance 21-07, which included details of the 2021-2022 Budget.  Noting an increase due to the Main Street project, the total operating budget and expenditures approached the $10,000,000 mark.

Ordinance 21-08 was also approved authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds, not to exceed $2,600,000.

In additional action, at the approximate cost of $31,000, reconstruction of the City Hall parking lot was added to the Main Street project.

Memorial Day flag display will take a new look.  The Council voted to allow the flags to remain on display from 7:00 a.m., Friday, May 28, to 7:00 a.m., Tuesday, June 1.  It was noted that the overnight display was approved by the American Legion, due to the fact that all flags would be under a lighted environment.

Elm Street and Jackson Street improvements will be a project for the summer, totaling approximately $212,000.  Funding will come from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund.

The next scheduled Morrison City Council meeting on Monday, May 10, will include the swearing in of the newly-elected Mayor, Scott Vandermyde.

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