At the regular City of Morrison Council Meeting on Monday, December 10, 2012, an Other Item for Consideration, Discussion, and Information was rescheduled until Wednesday, December 19, at 4:00 p.m. This reconvened meeting, in the lower level Conference Room at City Hall, was set to discuss and take formal action regarding the 2013 Annual Tax Levy, Ordinance #12-36.
It took but three minutes to accomplish this, with unanimous approval, in the amount of $500,365.
City Administrator Jim Wise stated there are “no changes from the original [tax levy] draft or preliminary.” He supplied the following information after the meeting.
- “The 2013 tax levy is 2.1% lower than the 2012 tax levy.
- The community EAV decreased by 1.15% or $493,000 from the previous year.
- Yet, we were able to keep the tax rate equal to, or lower than, the current rate of $0.010465.
- We are the only community in the area that was able to do this.
- This is because the employees, staff, and the Mayor and Cty Council of our community maintain a conservative fiscal policy.”
The levy will take effect Wednesday, May 1, 2013, and end Wednesday, April 30, 2014.
Totals funds budgeted (and levied) include:
- General Corporate–$1,775,768 ($121,800)
- IMRF–$103,000 ($110,000)
- Fire Protection–$64,500 ($60,000)
- Police Protection–$418,464 ($36,550)
- Library–$152,850 ($76,760)
- Library Building–($10,255)
- FICA–$70, 200 ($85,000)