Submit a Recipe for Upcoming Cookbook

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Food is a powerful link to our past and present enjoyment.  Its preparation and consumption occupies a good portion of each day.  For those who never have enough, it is a constant concern.

We associate specific dishes with our cultural heritage, holidays, celebrations, and even remedies for our illnesses. 

My mother was well-known for her lemon cake.  “Grandma Edie’s Lemon Cake” appeared so often at family gatherings, that we always assumed its presence and looked forward to it.  It traveled well, and the pan was always empty long before its return home.  When my mother died, her older granddaughter, Holly, asked people to help her bake several lemon cakes for the meal to follow the funeral the next day.  It was a sweet gesture to honor her grandmother.  You can cry, smile, and eat cake at the same time!

Sales of in-your-hand cookbooks have increased, even with online accessibility of recipes.  An area organization is designing one, and you can be part of the creation.  Submit the recipe of a dish that your family just can’t live without.  Household or cooking tips are also welcome.

Send your contributions to Charlotte Combs-Shepherd at River Bend Senior Center & Transit Facility, 912 4th Street, Fulton, IL, 61252.  For more information call her at 815-589-3925.








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