Statement on State of the Union Address by Congresswoman Bustos

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After President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address, on Tuesday evening, February 5, 2019, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos issued the following statement.

“I was pleased that tonight’s address included a much-needed commitment to invest in our infrastructure.  For years, I have worked to bring both parties together on this issue.  House Democrats are ready to work with the President on a trillion-dollar plan, to create good-paying jobs and rebuild our crumbling roads, bridges, hospitals, and locks and dams.  I am also hopeful we can work together to bring down the cost of prescription drugs for Seniors and families and, as the President proposed, make meaningful investments to fight conditions such as childhood cancer.”

“However, the families we serve deserve real solutions–not just soundbites.  Farmers cannot ‘choose greatness,’ when the President’s trade war is eliminating the very markets where they need to sell their goods.  And people with pre-existing conditions cannot ‘choose greatness,’ when Washington Republicans continue working to rip away their critical patient protections.”

“The President spoke at length about bridging divides and healing wounds.  I hope these weren’t just lines in a speech.  [I hope] that he will stick to his word to find common ground and avoid another Government shutdown in the coming weeks.”

“The American people sent us here to govern with a purpose–not to bicker, but to find solutions and to solve problems.  That I what I have always aimed to do during my tenure in Congress.  I will continue working with anyone willing on either side of the aisle to bring down the cost of health care, to invest in our infrastructure, and to clean up the rampant corruption in Washington.”


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