Southside Talent Show Ends School Year

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On the last day of elementary school, routine classes are routinely substituted by creative activities.  Southside third, fourth, and fifth graders enjoyed a talent show of their peers, in the Morrison High School auditorium, 643 Genesee Avenue, Morrison, IL.  Beginning at 8:15 a.m., the youngest went first and were then dismissed to return to their building.   Everyone else returned at 11:30.

There were singers, dancers, and 4th grade aerobic exercisers that had the entire audience bouncing in their seats.  Kudos to the physical education instructor.

These students were fifth graders.  Thomas Schlafler read pre-arranged jokes.  Two “announcers” held up cue cards to spur the audience to laugh appropriately.


This dance squad, shown in part, was rousing.  Shown left-to-right are Jordan Gallentine, Paige Baker, and Chloe Bielema.


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