Slow Srart Hurts Fillies

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The morrison Fillies dug a first quarter hole and fought hard but couldn’t make up the difference resulting in a 45-42 loss to the Rockridge Rockets.

MORRISON      5 – 15 – 10 – 12 = 42

ROCKRIDGE    17 – 12 – 11 – 5 = 45

Morrison Scoring:  Hosford 2,0,0/0 = 0,  Canales 2,0,0/0 = 4,  Goodman 3,0,2/4 = 8,  Eads 0,0,0/2 = 0,  Greul 5,0,1/3 = 11,  Banks 2,0,1/2 = 5,  Church 1,0,2/3 = 4,  Sitzmore 4,0,1/2 = 9 


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