2005 Year in Review

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Fillies finish Sixth at Westwood

By: Lindsey Smith
On the shorthanded side, the Fillies headed over to the Westwood Sports Complex in Sterling for the 10th Chuck Rosenberry Classic. Morrison was by far one of the smallest teams there, but they still managed to finish in sixth in the all-conference meet.

The Fillies’ first relay was the 4 x 800. They came in fifth with a time of 13:07.23. Michelle Bos ran the lead off and passed the baton to Justine Adolph. Justine handed to Lindsey Smith, who gave the baton to Julie Franke for the anchor.
Kelly Tenboer nearly ran a meet record in the 55-meter hurdles, but she finished in second place. Sk Leach of Riverdale won the race, recording a new meet record of 8.77 seconds. Kelly was only 0.03 seconds behind her at 8.80.
Cara Akker sprinted to the Fillies’ first and last win of the meet. Her 55-meter sprint time of 7.52 was the fastest by 0.07 seconds. Rachel Fedyk also qualified for the finals heat. She finished in fifth place, timed at 7.85.
Morrison’s 4 x 200 relay came in fourth. They ran the relay to a time of 2:00.84. Kelly, Cara, Alyssa Beck, and Rachel ran this relay for the Fillies.
Also placing was the Fillies’ 4 x 400 meter relay. Their fourth place finish came with a 4:47.75 time. Morrison was seven seconds behind third. They were also ten seconds ahead of fifth.
The final Filly team points came from Kelly in the high jump. Kelly made all of her jumps up to 5’0” cleanly. She just missed getting past the 5’2” marking, though, where first place and the new meet record stood.
With one of their athlete’s missing, the Fillies came in 6th at the meet, just three points behind Amboy and eight points behind Newman.
Morrison’s next home track meet is this Thursday, the 7th. This is a big meet for both boys and girls. It’s the 10th Morrison Relays, and it starts at four o’clock.

by larryg
2005-04-05 22:08:29


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