2005 Year in Review

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Cara Akker and Amanda Smith 

Fillies Race Past Steamers and Missiles

By: Lindsey Smith
It’s that time of year again, where the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and it’s only about 40 degrees outside. Despite the cold weather March has dealt the Fillies, they have been training for about three weeks for their first track meet. Their first meet was cancelled due to the cold, but the Fillies were finally allowed to run on Monday, the 28th. It was a beautiful day, and many people scattered the track, cheering for the three teams there. The Fillies went wild, winning eight of the eighteen events, while coming in second in five others. Morrison competed in a triangular meet with Fulton and Milledgeville.

The Fillies took an early lead in the team points and were never really threatened by either team. Kelly Tenboer won the high jump on a jump of 4’10”. Molly Prombo jumped 4’2” for third place, followed by Jamie Grau and Julia Franke at fourth and fifth with 4’0” jumps.
Bridgett Wood finished in second place in the shot put with her throw of 28’1 ½” She was about a foot away from first place. Lindsey Smith also threw the shot put. She finished in fifth place by throwing 22’2 ½”.
Amanda “Smiley” Smith and Bridgett took the Fillies first of two 1-2 finishes in the discus. Amanda landed a throw of 93’4”, while Bridgett tossed the disc 78’7 ½”. Justine Adolph also tried out the discus. She flung it 55’11 ½”.
Justine’s second field event came in the long jump. She jumped 11’10 ¾” for fourth place. Alyssa Beck jumped to fifth place with her 11’9 ¾” leap.
Lindsey and Julia teamed together to run the two-mile where they took first and second. Lindsey crossed the finish line 16:46.5 after she began. Julia reached the end seven seconds after her.
Morrison’s next running event, the 800-medley relay, also brought them gold. They cleared the competition by about seven seconds. Kelly led off the relay with a 100-meter sprint. She handed off to Amanda for the second 100. Amanda passed the baton to Cara Akker, who ran the 200. Cara and Rachel Fedyk made a clean exchange for the anchor leg. Rachel crossed the finish line at 1:59.5.
Kelly came back two events later along with Molly and Julia for the 110 high hurdles. Kelly won the race in a time of 17.02, 0.42 seconds ahead of second place. Julia ran into fifth place with a 22.87 for her time. Molly was right behind her at 23.84.
Cara and Amanda were sent to take care of the 100-meter dash for the Fillies. Cara crossed the line in a time of 13.32, placing her at second, 0.36 seconds behind first place. Amanda raced to fourth place in 13.81, just 0.01 seconds out of third.
The Fillies won the next three running events. Morrison was over three seconds ahead of second place in the 4 x 200 relay. Kelly, Amanda, Cara, and Rachel were the Fillies sprinting this relay. Their finishing time was 1:54.48.
Rachel was right back on the track for the next running event, the 400-meter dash. She still managed grab first place by about two seconds. Michelle Bos was also in this race. She came in third, crossing the line at 1:16.16.
Jamie, Molly, and Alyssa all ran the 300-meter low hurdles. Jamie notched a first place with her clock stopping at 56.38. Molly finished the race in 1:04.18 for third place, and Alyssa reached the finish line at 1:10.41 in fourth place.
Cara was again just nudged out of first place in the 200-meter dash. She sprinted to freeze her clock at 29.04, 0.76 from first place.
In the Fillies final event of their first meet of the season, the girls’ finished in second place. They ran the 4 x 400, with Michelle leading off, Jamie going second, Molly running third, and Lindsey anchoring. Morrison finished in a time of 5:16.59.
Morrison easily won the meet with 83 points. Milledgeville came in second place with 54 points, while Fulton rounded out the triangular with 45.

by larryg
2005-04-05 22:08:29


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