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The City of Morrison issued a "Snow Emergency" at 10:26 AM on January 5, 2005. The city is requesting all vehicles now located on SNOW ROUTES be removed immediately. The city also has instituted the Odd/Even parking rules effective immediately. For a complete review of the snow Emergency rules you can log on to the official city of Morrison website at We also list the rules here for your convenience: Police Department Police Department Overview | Crime Prevention | Regulations & Ordinances | Snow Emergencies Snow Emergencies The following are basic rules the Police Department ask motorists to follow when parking their vehicles on city streets. The purpose of these rules is to facilitate a speedy clearing of snow and maintain a safe flow of traffic on our streets during snowfalls. Snow Emergencies may be declared by the Superintendent of Public Services, or his designee, during the months of November 1 through March 31. The Superintendent will notify the Police Department, WSDR (AM 1240), WLLT (FM 107.7), and WZZT (106.5). Snow emergencies may also be posted on the City of Morrison PEG Access channel on Mediacom channel 18. As soon as a snow emergency is declared, motorists are asked to observe the following parking restrictions. Snow Routes Parking on snow routes is prohibited during snow emergencies. Parking on snow routes may resume after the street has been plowed clear of snow. Vehicles in violation are subject to being towed at the owner's expense. Snow Routes are clearly marked by blue and white signs. Central Business District (CBD) The CBD includes all streets within the boundaries of Knox Street, Orange Street, Clinton Street, and the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Parking is always prohibited on these streets from 2:30 am to 6:00 am. All Other Streets During snow emergencies, streets that are not Snow Routes or within the CBD are subject to odd-even parking. This means that on odd days (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc...), vehicles must be parked on the side of the street with odd street numbers (101, 103, 503, 505, etc...). On even numbered days (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc...), vehicles must be parked on the side of the street with even numbers (102, 104, 504, 506, etc...). The change-over time for odd-even parking is between the hours of 6:00 am and 8:00 am. THIS PARKING RESTRICTION ONLY APPLIES DURING SNOW EMERGENCIES. Motorists may park on either side of the street if the street has been plowed clear of snow. End of Snow Emergency When the Superintendent feels that conditions have improved on our streets, he will declare an end to the Snow Emergency. He will then notify the media and Police Department. At the time the Superintendent ends the Snow Emergency, such parking restrictions are no longer in effect. by Editor, |
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