2005 Year in Review

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U of I Crop Management Workshops to Address Critical Issues

Prepared by: Jim Morrison, Extension Educator, Crop Systems, Rockford Extension Center, University of Illinois Extension, Phone 815-397-7714, FAX 815-397-8620, Email morrison@uiuc.edu

The latest perspectives on critical crop production and protection issues for corn, soybean, and wheat growers and agri-businesses will be discussed at three Regional Crop Management Workshops in Illinois during February.

The workshops are designed to address a wide array of “hot” topics pertinent to geographic areas of the state and to provide a forum for hands-on, in-depth discussion and interaction.

The Southern Illinois Crop Management Workshop will be February 7-8 at the Rend Lake Resort and Conference Center, Whittington; the Central Illinois Crop Management Workshop will be February 21-22 at the Route 66 Hotel and Conference Center, Springfield; and the Northern Illinois Crop Management Workshop will be February 28-March 1 at the Kishwaukee College Convention Center, Malta.

The format for each workshop will include an opening and closing general session and numerous concurrent sessions where individuals can attend one of four topics. The concurrent sessions will last 80 minutes and continuing education units have been applied for Certified Crop Advisers. Presenters will be Extension specialists and educators, and University researchers.

The pre-registration fee is $100.00 per person in advance (due 1 week prior to the workshop). Late registration or registration at the door will be $125.00 per person. The fee includes lunch, refreshments, and handouts for both days. There is no one-day registration.

To register for the workshop or to obtain a brochure contact your Extension unit office. For specific information about the southern workshop contact Dennis Epplin, Mt. Vernon Extension Center, 618-242-9310; for the central workshop contact Robert Bellm, Edwardsville Extension Center, 618-692-9434; and for the northern workshop contact Dave Feltes, Quad Cities Extension Center, phone 309-792-2500.

by  Editor, theCity1.com
December 19, 2005


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