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Norma Haan Publishes a Cookbook of Her Favorite Recipes

Norma Haan holds her cookbook "Simply Delicious Recipes from Norma Haan."

“Simply Delicious Recipes from Norma Haan” is the title Norma has given her cookbook. The cookbook contains a collection of her favorite recipes.

Norma and her mother had talked about publishing a cookbook for years but really never did anything to pursue the possibility.

While having coffee with friends in December of 2004, Norma was asked, “Why don’t you make your own cookbook?”

“It just went ‘bing’ from there,” stated Norma. With help from granddaughters, Hannah and Meredith Oostenryk the cookbook came together. By Good Friday in 2005 the final proof was mailed to the publisher and by May the books were for sale.

“I got my start cooking when my mother had to go to work because of my father’s illness. Mother and I did a lot together and with her gone now, I think a lot about the ‘little things’,” stated Norma.

Resthave Nursing Home Auxiliary receives five percent of the profit from each cookbook sold. “My mother worked at Resthave for years and I have done a lot of volunteer work for the Home. The Auxiliary does so much for the Home. It was a neat opportunity for me to be able to help them,” Norma said.

The Dedication page reads:

This cookbook is dedicated to my parents Heinie and Harriett Meurs who always encouraged my love for cooking and baking. Mom always had a guiding word when things didn’t turn out right – and dad – ATE THEM.

There have been times when my children were treated like royalty and ate burnt offerings. But all survived! Thanks to my daughters Sonja Swanson and Rhonda Ridenour, also to my four sons Brian, Rod, Jason and Aaron Oostenryk for eating both and good and the bad.

I really enjoy sharing recipes with people. It’s an honor for me when I’m asked to share an idea or a recipe, and am blessed with friends who ask often.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

“It is very humbling for me that so many people want my cookbook. I have renewed so many friendships. It has been really neat. I like to have people over to cook for them and to try new things. I don’t perk a pot of coffee, I have hot water for tea mixes and chocolate drink mixes.”

“I love to collect recipes and try new things,” stated Norma. “Leon (Norma’s husband) will try anything once. He never says he doesn’t like something that I have cooked, he just states, ‘You don’t have to make that again real soon’.”

The cookbooks are being sold for $10 at Constantly Stitching, Community State Bank, Wilson Greenhouses in Morrison and Fulton and Bitter Sweet Salon and Boutique in Fulton. They will also be sold at the Resthave Bazaar, which will be held Friday, December 9th from 8:30-10 a.m. at the Home. You can also purchase a cookbook by calling Norma at 815-772-7311.

by Dawn Zuidema, theCity1.com
November 29, 2005


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