2005 Year in Review

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Distillers Grain Website

Source: Michael Hutjens, 217/333-2928; Author: Bob Sampson

Distillers grain, a valuable commodity for both corn and livestock producers, is the topic of a new University of Illinois Extension website. "Distillers Feeds: Using Illinois By-Product Feeds in Livestock Feeding Programs" is located at: ILIFT.

"The website is a must for livestock producers, veterinarians, consultants, and feed industry personnel," said Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois Extension dairy specialist. "With over 10 percent of the U.S. corn crop being processed for ethanol production, corn distillers grains continue to be a valuable feed by-product, a key to profitable ethanol production, important to U.S. corn producers, and a source of nutrients for livestock."

Hutjens also noted that ethanol reduces dependence on foreign oil and burns clean.

"Every bushel of corn produces 2.8 gallons of ethanol and 18 pounds of distillers grain," he said. "By 2010, one projection predicts that over seven million gallons of ethanol and 17 million metric tons of distillers grain will be produced in the United States."

With larger supplies of corn distillers grain available for livestock producers, the Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research (C-FAR) provided funding for the new website, seeking to assist livestock producers in successfully incorporating wet and dry distiller grain in their feeding program.

The new website contains several sections covering key concerns, including a list of Midwestern distillers grain sources and contacts for current prices and by-product availability.

Among other features, Hutjens noted, are:

-- Current research results and recommendations for beef steers, beef cows, dairy cattle and swine;
-- Training presentations;
-- Resource library including material from industry and university sources;
-- Breakeven feed prices for distillers grains that can be calculated on the web site;
-- Weekly price updates for distillers grains and other by-product feeds;
-- Storage and handling of wet distillers grains in bags.

"Distillers grain will continue to be a readily available by-product that could double in amount in the next five years as more corn is diverted for ethanol production," said Hutjens. "Successful use of distillers grain will be a win-win program for corn producers, livestock producers, and consumers."

by  Editor, theCity1.com
November 13, 2005


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