2005 Year in Review

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Morrison Police Reports

On 10-29-05, at approximately 10:57 p.m., Morrison Police arrested Cesar Davila, 34, Sterling, on charges of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, no valid driver’s license, and operating an uninsured motor vehicle. Davila was charged after being stopped near the intersection of Bishop Road and Route #30. Davila was also charged with one (1) count of endangering the life and health of a child after police observed a 16-month-old child in the car. Davila was subsequently transported to the Whiteside County Law Enforcement Center. Davila is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

On 10-30-05, at approximately 9:22 a.m., Steven R. Hook, Morrison, reported that someone had written on the tailgate of his pick-up truck the following evening, with an indelible ink pen. The damage occurred while the Hook truck was parked in the 200 block of East Wall Street.

On 10-30-05, at approximately 9:48 a.m., Morrison Police arrested Zachary R. Richards, 19, Morrison, on a warrant issued by the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) for parole violation. Richards was held at the Whiteside County Law Enforcement Center pending transfer to an IDOC facility.

by  Editor, theCity1.com
October 31, 2005


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